Thursday PFI #3 Values & Identity & Our Proficiency in Dispute Resolution

In an interactive and reflective workshop, we will explore how specific universal values
underpin our sense of self. Clashes in underlying values can increase our conflict,
both as team members and as professionals working with clients. We will examine how
to moderate value-based conflicts and identify where we fall on the self-monitoring
continuum, and how to use this information to help us constructively work with our colleagues. Since identity
lies at the base of most conflicts, this workshop will give participants an opportunity to examine components
of their own core identity, and illustrate how in conflict, personal identity feels threatened, unacknowledged,
or under attack. We will use this information to help us increase our effectiveness as Dispute Resolution
Practitioners and to help build healthy teams.

Forum Session Type: 
Session Date/Time: 
Thursday, October 25, 2018 - 09:00 to 15:00
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File Values and Identity Powerpoint.pptx1.32 MB