Forum PFI and Workshop Descriptions

2019 IACP Forum

Thu - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
Thursday PFI #1 The Heart of Conflict: Giving Voice to Non-material Needs

We are trained to identify interests that underpin positions. We use this knowledge in order to help build resolutions that meet the interests and needs of both parties. Because non-material needs cannot be quantitatively and legally measured, we too often fail to acknowledge these.  We have all found that ignoring our client's non-material needs sometimes leads us to impasse.  In this workshop we will go deeper and explore the importance of non-material needs and interests. We will explore our deep needs for dignity, respect and appreciation and how we can elicit conversations with our clients about what these mean for them. We will explore ways to work within our teams to facilitate these most important conversations and expressions of our common humanity. Participants will come away with not only a deeper understanding of the importance of non-material needs, but tools to help build conversations about these.

Nancy Cameron
Stephen Sulmeyer
Thursday PFI #2 Examining Race and Culture in Collaborative Practice from the Inside Out

The Collaborative Practice community is primarily white practitioners serving primarily white clients.  What is needed to change this to a more inclusive professional community serving a broad and diverse clientele?  This Pre-Conference Institute will look at this question from the inside out.  We will first look at what each of us needs to do on the inside to be more aware of how our own race, culture, and history affect our beliefs, thoughts, reactions, and behaviors as well as impediments to talking about race and culture.  We will then examine how the functioning of our societies and systems within them impact us and our racial and cultural relationships, including in Collaborative Practice.  With this foundation, we will explore our motivation to change our approach to race and culture and the action steps needed to carry out a change to a more inclusive Collaborative community serving a broad and diverse clientele.

Catherine Conner
Natalia Lopez-Whitaker
Gary Friedman
Thursday PFI #3 The Enneagram Typology - Deepening our Work with Personality Based Conflicts

Deepening our understanding of the personalities behind the people we interact with, greatly impacts the collaborative divorce process and its outcome.
The Enneagram model is a typology that defines nine major personality types . By using the Enneagram, we will deepen our understanding about the different personality based worldviews, perspectives, features and behaviors, advantages and limitations that characterize the different personality patterns of each type.
In this interactive workshop, after defining our own Enneagram type, we will explore the influence of our type, our collaborative team members' types and our clients' types on the collaborative process. This promotes understanding, which helps build cooperation and trust.
We will receive insights on how to work with each type effectively and receive tools to enhance our understanding and ability to deal with differences that arise due to the variance of personality perspectives. This variance affects negotiation styles, decision making, comfort zones, team work and the entire process.

Galit Sneh Lurie
Thursday PFI #4 Train the Trainers: It's Not Just Theory - How to Deliver Experiential and Impactful Learning to Collaborative Professionals

If you are a collaborative trainer, join us for a workshop that will enhance your ability to deliver engaging and impactful training programs to collaborative professionals. Our interdisciplinary training team will share their best training approaches to meeting participants’ adult learner needs, balancing theory and practice, teaching the paradigm shift, managing the personal styles within a team dynamic, working with curious questions and feedback, balancing the voices of the lawyer, financial specialist and mental health professional and modeling collaborative practice in action.

Gaylene Stingl
Barbara Hummel
Jacinta Gallant
Fri - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
Friday PFI #5 Creating and Maintaining a Successful Practice Group: Leadership Skills for Practice Group Leaders

We are excited to bring Practice Group Leaders together to share critical knowledge, skills and resources, to promote successful leadership and to facilitate the growth of strong Practice Groups around the world.
This workshop will help Practice Group Leaders to share in the collective experience and wisdom of Practice Group Leaders who have experienced the same challenges, successes and failures.  We will focus on organizational issues, membership issues, leadership issues and the dynamics of providing a service to  membership while at the same time offering the public a resource for Collaborative Practice.

Lori Gephart
Ross Evans
Friday PFI #6 Exceptional Communication The Key to Connection and Resolution

“Exceptional Communication” begins where typical communications-skills training leaves off. Pushing participants to claim their personal power in a way that engenders confidence and safety in the client(s) changes the isolation of fear into the safety of connection. Practicing the concepts of pacing and leading cultivates relationship building. Deepening listening skills will include hearing the facts, utilizing heart wisdom, interpreting gut knowing. By pulling these three listening levels together you’ll more fully understand the client’s dilemmas, needs, and interests. Mastering the steps in helping a client "feel-felt" will promote emotional regulation, emotional calming. Examining word choices heightens your sensitivity to ensure a congruent paradigm for respectful dispute resolution. Mastering these skills opens the door to and strengthens the capacity for the client’s ability to resolve conflict. These very same skills strengthen our team's insight / understanding of one another and empower strategic use of the safe container.

Want to be an exceptional communicator? Join us. Come ready to practice.

Karen Bonnell
Anne Lucas
Friday PFI #7 Interplay of Advocacy and Neutrality

As mediation and collaborative practice become more mainstream, we are handling  more high conflict,  challenging personalities and  intractable legal/financial issues.  In order to handle these  complex files , we are working in teams of advocates and neutrals and encountering the possibilities and the challenges  of neutrality and advocacy. In this workshop, we explore:
● the importance of each role and how we can capitalize on their strengths without stepping on one another’s toes
● how advocates are necessary to maintain neutrality and how neutrals are essential to allow advocacy in our toughest cases
● the importance of clarifying mandates and expectations at the outset
● vexing questions such as: Should neutrals raise questions that may benefit one side? Can neutrals meet or take instructions from one side? What is the obligation of the neutral when  the lawyers are imbalanced? What is the obligation of the lawyers when the neutral loses the perception of neutrality?  What if there is no trust between professionals, or between a client and any of the professionals?
● a practical tool for assessing and handling problems as they arise in a case
Through exploring the theoretical framework of advocacy and neutrality, the limitations of high needs clients in complex moments, our shared experience in recent cases, interactive case studies, and group discussion we will all leave this workshop better able to utilize the interplay of advocacy and neutrality in our settlement work.

Victoria Smith
laurie stein
Vivian Alterman
Friday PFI #8 Wherever You Go, There You Are: Self-reflective, Self-aware Collaborative Practice

It’s easy to see the warts and mistakes of others on collaborative teams, but much harder to see our own shortcomings clearly. Even when things go well, we may not think much about what strengths we brought to the table that day, or how our own style and temperament happened to flow well with those of our colleagues.  Nor do we easily recognize patterns that might help explain why others react to us as they do, and vice versa.  This fast-moving, entertaining workshop offers a beginner’s guide to some accessible tools for increasing self-awareness about ourselves and others as conflict resolution professionals.  All participants must select and complete several online tests (some free, others requiring a modest fee) prior to the workshop, bring the results to the workshop,  and be open to sharing parts of test results with others during small group discussions.   No highly personal information is involved.

Pauline Tesler
Sat - 9:00am to 10:30am
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
Saturday AM Workshop #01 Uniform Collaborative Laws and Rules - For Everyone

The Uniform Collaborative Law Act and Rules have been pending in the United States since 2009.  18 states and D.C. have adopted them to date.  We will discus the status of the UCLA in the United States and how to help more states and other countries adopt uniform Collaborative laws and rules.

Zanita Zacks-Gabriel
Mr. Robert Merlin
Saturday AM Workshop #02 Managing the Negotiation Within – Our Clients’ and Our Own

Psychologists have long understood that individuals have sub-personalities, each seeking to guide our thinking and behavior.  With a particular focus on Internal Family Systems theory, this workshop will help professionals (a) understand and manage this internal negotiation so that we can be more effective, and (b) teach these techniques to our clients.

David Hoffman
Saturday AM Workshop #03 Collaborative Wills and Estates: Preparing for the Wealth Transfer Tsunami

Within the next two decades the largest transfer of wealth from generation to generation in history will occur.  Collaborative interdisciplinary teams have a unique opportunity to impact this transfer while minimizing the impact on families.  This workshop will provide pragmatic tools to begin this work with a deeper understanding of both planning and post-mortem phases.

Nancy Ross
Zinta Harris
Anne-Marie Rice
Saturday AM Workshop #04 Beyond Civility- Using Our Skills to Connect People across Political/Issue Differences

Taking it to the Streets:  How to bring your Collaborative Process knowledge and experience to connect with others with whom you disagree and how become a community resource to connect people and bridge differences where you live. Program is based upon the Beyond Civility Model.

Sherri Slovin
Saturday AM Workshop #05 Demystifying the difficult couple

Working with high conflict couples requires a systemic lens.  Couple members mix with each other to create a more powerful interpersonal process than either alone create.  Workshop participants will learn to identify and understand the reactions and responses of the couple members, and skills to shape reactivity and resistance

Vicki Loyer
Sarah Wright
Saturday AM Workshop #06 Preventive Lawyering for Collaborative Professionals: Help Families Manage Future Conflict

Preventive lawyering can help parties flag existing conflicts before they spiral out of control. Collaborative professionals can easily become preventive legal and conflict wellness providers by expanding their practices to the pre-conflict arena. Learn concrete skills in order to expand your services and further build your collaborative practice.

Lara Traum
Forrest "Woody" Mosten
Saturday AM Workshop #07 Inspiring Outcomes in Collaborative Divorce Cases; Turning Around The Difficult Case

In line with 2019’s theme, our workshop offers examples/tools for creating inspiring outcomes. Collaborative or not, divorce is divorce. Moving families forward and aligning the team requires intention and skill. We’ll discuss difficult cases, parties and situations in past cases, where the case evolved to produce an inspiring result.

Cristi Trusler
Catherine Benouis
Michael Benaglio
Saturday AM Workshop #08 The single most effective activity for building your practice

For Collaborative Practice professionals balancing busy schedules and client demands, a long list of business development “to-dos” quickly becomes overwhelming and often remains unfinished. This workshop will answer the question, what is the single most effective business development action you can focus on without stretching yourself too thin?

Elizabeth Ferris
Saturday AM Workshop #09 Crossroads of Collaborative Practice and Mediation: Competing or Converging Models?

Are Mediators and Collaborative Professionals competitors or natural partners?  In a highly interactive, engaged conversation, we compare and contrast CP and Mediation, explore how principles and techniques of each can be applied to the other, and delve into the convergence of the two models as “Collaborative Mediation.”

Adam Cordover
Brian Galbraith
Kevin Scudder
Saturday AM Workshop #10 Let’s go into Carla’s house and brainstorm on Collaborative Containers

The metaphor of Collaborative Practice as a container will be presented using an Italian handcrafted model “house” along with a video. Using visual facilitation the attendees will be asked to brainstorm other visions and ideas for the Collaborative Container

Carla Marcucci
Mariacristina Mordiglia
Elisabetta (Lisa) Valentini
Saturday AM Workshop #11 In the Heat of the Moment: When Difficult Moments Require Immediate Response

The presenters will lead an open discussion on the best options for proceeding when one professional is acting in a non-collaborative manner, when another professional arrives to a meeting unprepared, when the clients start splitting the team members, and other examples of unexpected roadblocks arising in Collaborative cases.

Jennifer Bradley
Lynn Fletcher
Saturday AM Workshop #12 Gender Bias: Exploring How It Impacts You and Your Participation in the Collaborative Process

Explore instances in collaborative cases where implicit bias may impact the professionals’ ability to effectively guide clients. Using a fishbowl role play and small group discussion and exercises we will address how to recognize when implicit gender biases of the professionals (and your own biases) are affecting a case and what to do abut it.

Allison Bell
Jennifer Hawthorne Kelsey
Justin Kelsey
Saturday AM Workshop #13 The Separation Dialogue: An Intervention for a Smoother Divorce

The Separation Proclamation is an intervention that reduces acrimony during and after divorce. It helps the person who chose the divorce to share their thinking so the other can start to understand. This intervention, developed in The Netherlands in the 1980s, is ubiquitous there. It helps clients achieve an acceptance of the divorce so they can focus on the future and transition into a new co-parenting relationship.

rené de haas
Annelies Verhoeff
J. Mark Weiss
Saturday AM Workshop #14 Limitation As Inspiration

“What do I want my practice to look like?”  One way we can get an idea of that is by exploring what we believe we “can’t” do. Whether the limitation comes from within or without, being aware of it and naming it as a limitation suggests that it exists to push back against something we want to do. We’ll walk through some of the common and unique “limitations,” get a clearer picture of the things we want in, for and from our practices and, move beyond the limitations.

Carl Rossi
Saturday AM Workshop #15 Pace and Space

Like a symphony or ballet, collaborative practice seeks an artful timbre, pace and space—whether within the process as a whole, the full team meeting, or the immediate moment. Too often well-meaning professionals cacophonously crowd and hurry, when a client-centered process needs alternatively a press and a pause.

John Sobraske
Donna Maier
Diana Ryan
Sat - 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #16 No Dress Rehearsal - Being in the Moment in Conflict

Collaborative Practice is like "improv". We have a general idea about what might happen in the collaborative meeting room but no matter how carefully we prepare, we don't get a dress rehearsal or a script. We are at our best when we can say "yes" to what is coming toward us and respond in an authentic, meaningful and productive way.
This workshop will help make your collaborations - with clients, team mates and even the supporting cast of characters - more like good improv. You do all the necessary preparation so that you can be present to what happens, without forcing or choreographing what you think should happen.  We will learn some tools to engage curiosity and acceptance of “the moment". We will practice noticing and responding, and will look at the benefits of transparency. The goal is to help prepare yourself, your team and your clients to enter the collaborative meeting room with less script and more presence. (Hopefully this helps with the stage fright!)

Jacinta Gallant
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #17 The Ethics of Collaborative Practice with Teammates Unknown and Well-Known

Collaborative Practice depends on effective professional teamwork. Challenges are inevitable. The Ethical Standards provide common expectations to reduce missteps, inaccurate assumptions, and acting at cross purposes. This interactive workshop focuses on the Standards as a guide for team process and practice regardless of discipline, or whether the professionals are experienced, familiar with one another, or challenged working together.

Diane Diel
William Frankenstein
Ellene Lammers
Edward Sachs
J. Mark Weiss
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #18 From Core Principles to Creative Innovations

From Core Principles to Creative Innovations--Building on Past Experiences to Create and Sustain the Collaborative Practice of the Future.
During the past three decades Collaborative Practice has grown from core ideas created by a handful of pioneers to a worldwide movement bursting with the possibility of great innovations. This workshop will focus on taking the very best ideas of the past 30 years and creating a ladder to developing and sustaining an innovative Collaborative practice.  
Ron Ousky and Megan Yates, Collaborative professionals who have been teaming up for over a decade, are working together to develop an innovative Collaborative practice by combining bold vision and practical ideas.
The workshop will start by providing specific examples of what has worked in the past, including ideas on practice and skill development and better business practices. Next, focus will shift to innovative ideas that are taking their Collaborative practice to new levels, from unbundling to upstream marketing to flexible teaming.

Ron Ousky
Megan Yates
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #19 Power, Privilege and Entitlement: Cross-currents of gender, race and money.

Throughout our work, complex undercurrents of power, privilege and entitlement flow with changing force. Obvious and subtle influences abound stemming from our clients’--and our own--racial identities, genders, backgrounds and personalities. Even when we want to “get it right,” are our reactions influenced—perhaps unconsciously—by our own gender, race, or personality? We will explore the complicated intersection of deeply emotional factors that challenge our efforts to ensure that every client and teammate feels welcome and “normal” throughout our Collaborative work. Through discussion and experiential learning, we will navigate these streams, and grow, together.

Barbara Burr
Lisa Herrick
Brandes Ash
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #20 Enrolling Folks into Collaborative Practice

This workshop presents effective strategies to enroll potential participants at intake and, once enrolled, to design strategies with your client to enroll your client’s spouse employing tools that have proven effective for leading Collaborative professionals. This workshop is useful to Collaborative professionals of all disciplines and skill levels.

Cathy Daigle
Carol Hughes
Diana L. Martinez
George Richardson
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #21 Effectively Dealing with Challenging Clients, Team Coherence and Organizational Development

Theories propounded in “Radical Candor”, “Appreciative Inquiry” and “Difficult Conversations” provide us with tools to overcome challenges we face in our case work, in our team work and in our organizations.   This workshop addresses these ideas both in theory and in application to real life problems faced in collaborative practice.

Allison Bell
Kathryn Lazar
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #22 Compassion: A Time and Place in the Collaborative Process

As Collaborative Practitioners we pride ourselves on the depth of our compassion for our clients. However compassion can quickly turn from attunement to trap leading to fractured teams and weakened agreements between clients. We will explore how to recognize and work with the duality of compassion, and her sisters empathy and sympathy providing tools to free yourself, team and clients. This training will include individual and group exercises, demonstrations and role plays.

Melissa Sulkowski
Anne Lucas
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #23 Streamlining Collaborative Practice: Lessons from the IACP Access Committee

Making Collaborative a bigger part of your practice means making collaborative more accessible to a larger number of families. Collaborative Practice needs to be more streamlined yet deliver the same value; it isn't about just cutting our fees.This interactive workshop will present streamlined, flat fee, lower cost  and pro bono models and the lessons we have learned about streamlining our processes so you can implement them in your practice.

Brian Galbraith
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #24 Out of Bounds: What Does the Team Do When Everything Goes Wrong?

Completing a challenging collaborative case with many dysfunctional features and troubling surprises requires a variety of creative strategies and reliance on team cohesion. Travel through this difficult case of roadblocks including difficult personalities, refusal to disclose, traumatized teens, boundary violations, gender bias and more, as we share our case saving skills to reach a successful end.

Jeffrey Goodman
Erinn Hannigan
Barbara Hummel
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #25 Collaborative Practice and Martial Arts - two sides of the same coin?

We normally use just our brains and intellect to "understand" our world. But there is a level beyond words: the world of experience by movement and touch. Experience a different kind of understanding of collaboration in a team through easy exercises that express the pacifistic philosophy of Kung Fu.  Be prepared to move!

Katja Ziehe
Saturday PM 3 hour Workshop #26 Establishing the Relationship and Expectations from Initial Client Contact

How do I get more Collaborative cases?  It is not just about a marketing strategy, it is about how you engage with your potential clients from the first contact with your office.  Participants will examine their current practices and learn how to approach an initial consultation from the client’s perspective so that clients leave feeling like the Collaborative process will provide them with the best option of navigating their life transition.

Kristen Algert
Louise Livesay-Al
Ms. Julia McAninch
Sat - 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
Saturday PM 90 min Workshop #27 Can Collaborative Law Associations have social impact? The Basque experience.

Learn about our unique experience expanding CP principles beyond family issues to Conscious Contracts® and then beyond business.  The Asociación de Derecho Colaborativo de Euskadi enlists broad community support, including the Basque Government and uses CP as a tool for public innovation. Our impact was assessed by a neutral researcher.  

Carmen Aja
Saturday PM 90 min Workshop #28 Don't know your SEO from your Elbow? Website ranking for beginners

Jennifer Hetherington’s website was stuck on page 10 of Google for all search terms that mattered.  She learned to fix it and got from page 10 of Google to page 1. 
This practical workshop explains Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) concepts with DIY examples of how to improve your search ranking.

Jennifer Hetherington
Saturday PM 90 min Workshop #29 The Necessity of Necessary Conversation: A Cost – Benefit Exploration

Necessary conversations underlie our Collaborative work.  The labeling of these communications as “difficult” conversations has resulted in professionals choosing to avoid them at the peril of our clients and our professional relationships.  In this workshop we are going to develop the skills that are required to have these necessary conversations result in positive outcomes.

Randy Heller
Kevin Scudder
Saturday PM 90 min Workshop #30 Utilizing Collaborative Lawyers Within the Mediation Process

With the growth of numbers of unrepresented, Collaborative Lawyers are uniquely trained to contribute to the mediation process. The disqualification clause works elegantly in mediation to provide incentives for consulting lawyers to focus on settlement. This workshop will showcase a cutting-edge protocol that has been successfully utilized by the Presenter

Forrest "Woody" Mosten
Sat - 3:45pm to 5:15pm
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
Saturday PM 90 min Workshop #31 Saving the Golden Goose: Using CP to Save Family Businesses

Explore how the Collaborative Practice can be an effective method in reducing the impact of separation and divorce on family run businesses. This process seeks to ensure that the business remains viable for both spouses, as well as future generations.

Russell Alexander
Carrie Heinzl
Jason Kwiatkowski
Saturday PM 90 min Workshop #32 Yes, we have unbundled services! - Tropicalizing the Collaborative Practice

In Brazil, the law predicts joint representation so it’s common to see one lawyer representing a divorcing couple. This workshop shares how we are working to introduce CP in Brazil, adapting to our local characteristics and mixing with unbundling services.  This is an opportunity to show the benefits of having a multidisciplinary team.

Saturday PM 90 min Workshop #33 Marketing Your Practice Through Social Media

Social media is all about engaging with your prospective client and turning followers into influencers. If you want to bump up your practice to the next level, then learn how to connect, engage and influence using interactive social media and be sure to bring your laptop!

Gary Direnfeld
Saturday PM 90 min Workshop #34 The Collaborative Training is Over - Now What?

So you have attended a Collaborative training - Now What? In this program, we will discuss the next steps that a trained Collaborative professional should take to establish and grow a Collaborative Practice. We will discuss topics such as marketing, changing your office procedures and getting involved in the Collaborative world.

Mr. Robert Merlin
Lana Stern
Sun - 9:00am to 10:30am
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #35 Creating and Sustaining Collaborative Community

There is a direct correlation between a strong and inclusive Collaborative Community and having a personally satisfying and profitable Collaborative Practice.   Join us as we explore from a multicultural perspective how Collaborative Communities are being created, sustained and energized around the world.

Rajan Chettiar
Kevin Scudder
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #36 Nightmare Case, Dream Team: When Mental Illness is a Question

When the mental health of a client is in question, persistent questions abound. Take the case?  Proceed or withdraw? Can we reach settlement? All unclear. Without a dream team, navigating such issues might be impossible. With cohesion, compassion and great communication...the impossible may be possible. This program is based on a true story.

Adele D'Ari
Jennifer Bradley
Lisa Herrick
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #37 Bringing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Your Practice Group

This workshop will be a working session for IACP members to develop strategies for increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in their local and regional practice groups.  Members of IACP's Equity and Inclusion Committee will lead the discussion, and also ask attendees to describe efforts that their practice groups are already making.

David Hoffman
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #38 Mindfulness: A Powerful Tool to Successfully Navigate and Solve Conflicts

Mindfulness allows us to work through conflict with our clients by exploring our clients', and our own, inner reality, leading to a deeper understanding of our clients' conflict and our reactions to them.  Mindfulness is a gateway to developing creative solutions in the Collaborative process.

Armando Cecatiello
Barbara Hummel
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #39 My Client Wants WHAT?: Navigating Financial Decision-Making with Our Clients

Think your client is going to make a bad financial decision? What can/should you do about it, if anything? How can the team help? In this interactive workshop, you will gain a deeper understanding of your biases and learn strategies for working with clients and the other professionals.

Ms. Julia McAninch
Ms. Cheryl Panther
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #40 Collaborative Speed Dating – Will You Be Chosen?

Will they say yes?  You sure hope so, but your heart is racing.  You’re not sure if they are feeling the connection, and they keep asking tough questions about what you do.  This is Collaborative Speed Dating, where you’ll find out whether you will be chosen as a Collaborative Professional!

Adam Cordover
Kristin DiMeo
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #41 Lessons of the Masters - Conflict Resolution at the Constitutional Convention

In our current climate of polarization, we forget that intense discord accompanied the Framers to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1787.  The key to this monumental achievement was found in the time-tested tools of conflict resolution employed by today’s skilled mediators. These myriad skills, and their context, will be explored in this workshop.

Joe Shaub
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #44 Done Is Better Than Perfect II

Interactive workshop focusing on using video to enhance/market your collaborative practice.  Instruction includes using VLOG, DIY video and interactive live and recorded video to educate potential group members/clients about collaborative process, introduce potential team members, and increase your group's reach and meeting attendance through several different video techniques.

Amy Lambert
Cristi Trusler
Graydon Trusler
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #45 Working Collaboratively to Protect Children’s Inheritance in Divorce and Remarriage

This workshop will present a model in which collaborative lawyers work with estate lawyers to design and implement plans to protect children’s inheritance upon the remarriage.  This model is being utilized in the Hudson Valley by the presenters along with others, and is a natural extension of collaborative work with existing and new clients.

Kathryn Lazar
Vincent Teahan
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #46 Multiple Hats for Collaborative Professionals and Mediators: Working with Interdisciplinary Neutrals and Co-Mediators

Still working in the traditional collaborative and/or mediation model?  This workshop will focus on working with interdisciplinary neutrals at the collaborative table in mediation as well as co-mediating with those neutrals.  Your willingness to step outside of the box and wear multiple hats promotes a more professional, effective model for resolving conflict at the mediation table.

Mr. Robert Merlin
Zanita Zacks-Gabriel
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #47 Shifting Our Perceptions: Small Changes — Big Impact

Using video, discussion, and exercises we’ll create consciousness raising experiences to facilitate profound shifts in perception. On that foundation, we’ll practice strengthening mind-sets and skills, enhancing cultural fluency in response to diverse experiences and attitudes, while facilitating resolutions that take Collaborative Practice more efficiently and frequently beyond agreement to healing.

Cathy Daigle
Sharon Ellison
Fareen Jamal
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #48 Moving Forward: Bringing Healing Divorce Ritual to the Collaborative World

This workshop addresses the learning from my doctoral research into the ancient Jewish ritual of divorce, the GET, for its wisdom in healing the wounds of divorce in the secular world. Participants will explore ways to bring together this ancient wisdom with the modern sensibilities within our collaborative practice.

Marilyn Beloff
Sunday AM 90 min Workshop #49 Enhancing intrinsic motivation to change: motivational interviewing techniques to encourage effective co-parenting

Parents can have parenting conflicts both before and after divorce. Incorporating action-oriented processes shifts the focus of what can be done to help things go right rather than simply a focus on preventing problems. Exploring and resolving co-parenting ambivalence through Motivational Interviewing techniques encourages ownership, enhances self-efficacy, and assumes competency.

Deborah Gilman