Jeanne Colombo

Rochester, New York 14607
United States
LawyerMatrimonial matters (such as divorce, custody) should lead to a positive restructuring of relationships. As an attorney with over 30 years of practice in this area, I have come to believe that the Collaborative process, where four people (two clients and two attorneys) use their combined skills, knowledge and expertise to forge solutions that facilitate positive adjustments in financial and living situations, is one of the best ways to resolve a dissolution of a marriage or union.
Each family, each partner, is unique as a fingerprint and deserves and requires thoughtfulness and creativity in reaching common ground and dignified solutions so that each person can find comfort and peace of mind. Trust can be re-established in the collaborative setting so that all members of a family can interact in the future in the best manner possible.
My thoughts are that as an advocate in this process, my clients will be well served, economically, financially and emotionally. Everyone's family structure deserves issues to be resolved privately, with professional support and guidance. The Collaborative process allows the professional lawyer to be a legal facilitator to reach the personal goals of the client in this situation.
Please come join in the collaborative process which is on the cutting edge of matrimonial and family law resolution in the State of New York.
Member of: Association of Collaborative Family Law Attorneys, International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP), Monroe County Bar Association, New York State Bar Association, Greater Rochester Association of Women Attorneys, Admitted to the New York State Bar February 12, 1980 (Syracuse Law School)
Undergraduate Education
Empire State College (SUNY) BA
Postgraduate Education
Brockport State College (SUNY) Masters of Urban Administration
Professional Education
Syracuse Law School, Juris Doctor
Have been a collaborative lawyer since 2006.