Joint Special Session IACP's TNDPG and Taskforce on Virtual Intro Trainings

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ATTENTION TRAINERS!  The IACP Minimum Standards for Introductory Collaborative Practice Trainings and Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Trainings  (the “Standards”) require Introductory Trainings to be conducted in person.  However, shortly after communities around the world began feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the IACP adopted Temporary/Emergency Exceptions that recognized virtual trainings as meeting the Standards so long as certain requirements were met.

The IACP Trainers’ Network and Development Practice Group along with the IACP Taskforce on Virtual Introductory Trainings is inviting all trainers to a joint special session to receive feedback on the Temporary/Emergency Exceptions and on potential permanent changes to the Standards that would recognize Introductory Trainings held virtually.  

Date & Time: April 7, 2021, 1:00pm (PST)

Length: 60 minutes

Cost: FREE

April 7th, 2021 from  1:00 PM to  2:00 PM