Katja Ziehe

Dübendorf, Zurich 8600
Lawyer, MediatorProfessional Activities
attorney, mediator, collaborative lawyer, supervision (group supervisions for lawyers, collaborative professionals and other groups of professionals and teams), collaborative practice trainer, mediation trainerUndergraduate Education
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, 1994
Postgraduate Education
Ludwig-Madimilians-University Munich, 1996
University of Fribourg, 2012
Professional Education
journalist, lawyer, mediator, martial arts teacher, zen meditation teacher, supervisor
collaborative law & practice basic training, advanced trainings, workshops, webinars, trainings for mediators (basic and advanced)
collaborative law & practive basic training in Switzerland in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021; collaborative practice workshops: 2010, Train the Trainer Retreat in San Geminiano, Italy; 2012 European Collaborative Conference Eidinburgh, Scotland, 2014 IACP Institute in Milano, Italy, 2016 European Collaborative Conference Amsterdam, Holland; 2019 IACP Forum in Chicago, USA; 2018 an 2019 Swiss Bar Association advanced training for mediators; 2020, 2021 and 2022 intermediate and advanced trainings on collaborative practice online by Webinars
basic trainings and workshops (live and online)
IACP collaborative law and collaborative practice basic trainings in 2006 and 2008, IaCP train the trainer in 2010; trainers: Pauline Tesler, Nancy Cameron, Susan Gamache, Diane Diel, Susan Miller, Emily Weaver