Ardesi Simona

Via San Martino della Battaglia 17
Brescia, Brescia 25100
Office Phone: +39335426744
Member since 2010
Membership Type: IACP



From the beginning of my carrer I have been dealing exclusively with family law and children rights. My practice is oriented by principles of respect for self-determination of people and the search for alternative solutions to face any kind of controversy.
I think that in the delicate matter of family, law - however essential - is not sufficient, so I always look for the active collaboration and exchange of cultures with different knowledge from mine.
I teach family law in the degree course in social services at University and I also deal with professional updating and legal supervision of social and health workers.
I strongly wanted and designed a law firm characterized by the permanent presence of professionals in other disciplines (psychologists, child neuropsychiatrist, councelor, sociologist, family mediator) and I gave life to the AL&A law firm in Brescia.
I express myself best when I find the space to valorize my negotiating skills.
I cultivate the art of doubt and I am not capable of absolute certainties, I like to ask me uncomfortable questions and ask myself the meaning of things.
My path has always been aimed at finding spaces outside the dispute and I think that the meeting with Collaborative Practice was not a coincidence but the natural evolution of what I wanted to build.

Area(s) of Practice: Collaborative Law, Family Law
License(s): Registered Lawyer at the Bar Association of Brescia (Ordine Avvocati di Brescia) since 1998

Professional Activities

University Teacher (Family and juvenile Law) Trainer (Interdisciplinary Basic Training in Collaborative Practice) Victim-offender mediator - Founding Member of AIADC - Associazione Italiana Professionisti Collaborativi

Undergraduate Education

Università degli Studi di Parma, Graduated cum laude, a.a. 1992/93

Postgraduate Education

Università degli Studi di Padova, Master Postgraduate Degree in Human Rights (Scuola di specializzazione triennale post-lauream), a.a. 1999/2000

Professional Education


Training Offered

Basic Interdisciplinary Training

Training Conducted

one of the first basic interdisciplinary training organized in Italy (4 days course - nov-dec 2017, Treviso)

Collaborative Training Offered

Basic Interdisciplinary Training

Collaborative Training Reference

avv. Carla Marcucci - Past President AIADC (Associazione Italiana Professionisti Collaborativi)
avv. Daniela Stalla - President AIADC (Associazione Italiana Professionisti Collaborativi)
avv. Francesca King - Past President AIADC (Associazione Italiana Professionisti Collaborativi) Board Member of IACP - International Academy of Collaborative Professionals