Bruce Fredenburg

Laguna Hills, California 92653
United States
Mental Health Professional, MediatorAs a psychotherapist in clinical practice, I have worked with divorcing couples and their children since 1982 and am one of the founding members of Collaborative Divorce Solutions Orange County. After seeing, first hand, the destruction caused by court centered divorce processes, I was attracted to Collaborative Divorce which is based on mutual respect and alleviating the current and future trauma common in divorce. I have extensive training in collaborative divorce, mediation, domestic violence, chemical dependency and trauma recovery and management of chronic pain. I have been an instructor for medical students preparing for national board exams at National Medical Review School and in Human Services at Saddleback College. Based on my training, skills and experience, I was recruited by Orange County Social Services Agency specifically to create and teach parenting classes for Adoptive and Foster Parents.
Professional Activities
• International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) ~• Collaborative Practice California Delegate (2012-2013, 2013-2014) ~• Collaborative Practice California Southern CA Public Education Committee (2012-2013) ~• Collaborative Divorce Solutions of Orange County (CDSOC) Founding Member (2003-Present) ~• CDSOC President Elect (2014-2015) ~• CDSOC Vice President Program Chair (2013-2014) ~• CDSOC Chair of Advertising Committee (2012-2013) ~• CDSOC Chair of Speakers Bureau (2011-2012) ~• CDSOC Chair of Training and Education (2010-2011) ~• CDSOC Training and Education Committee Member (2008-2009; 2009-2010) ~• Collaborative Divorce Team Training Train the Trainers Program (2010) ~• Collaborative Divorce Education Institute Leadership Team (2011 - present) ~• Collaborative Divorce Education Institute Training Team (2011 - present)Undergraduate Education
California State University Fullerton, Social Sciences
Postgraduate Education
California State University Fullerton Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology
University of Southern California, Counseling Studies
Bresler Medical Center, Certification in Chronic Pain Management
EMDR Institute, EMDR Training Level 1 and Level 2
Professional Education
See Above and Continuing Education Below
Three Day Collaborative Divorce Interdisciplinary Team Training: Fundamentals and Beyond
How to Have Difficult Conversations
Her Brain/His Brain: A Practical Approach to Dealing with Emotional Issues in Collaborative Practice
Men and Women: How to Understand Each Other
Creative Solutions For Dealing With Difficult People
Take the Pain Out of Change
Anxiety Solutions
Resolving Impasse Through the Magic of Brainstorming
How to Have Difficult Conversations
Her Brain/His Brain: A Practical Approach to Dealing with Emotional Issues in Collaborative Practice
Men and Women: How to Understand Each Other
Creative Solutions For Dealing With Difficult People
Take the Pain Out of Change
Anxiety Solutions
Resolving Impasse Through the Magic of Brainstorming
Available Upon Request
I am a founding member of CDSOC (Collaborative Divorce Solutions of Orange County) and have served on the CDSOC Board of Directors. I have been a presenter at the California state collaborative professionals organization's (CPCAL) conferences. In addition, I served on the Leadership Team and as a Senior Trainer for the Collaborative Divorce Education Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing excellent training for collaborative professionals as well as education for the public about peaceful and respectful solutions for families who are restructuring before, during and after the divorce process.