Dawn Strachan

TORRANCE, California 90503
United States
Financial ProfessionalDawn Strachan is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®) and Financial Life Planner. Dawn has been helping couples and individuals since 2001. As a CDFA®, Dawn is experienced in working with clients helping them identify and understand the financial issues of divorce. She is instrumental in assisting her clients in arriving at a settlement that is beneficial for all by empowering them with the financial information that is often overlooked in the divorce process. What appears to be an equitable settlement today may not be fair tomorrow. Through software specifically designed to handle the financial aspects of divorce, Ms. Strachan generates sophisticated financial projections addressing the long-term effects of dividing property, integrating into her analysis tax issues, pension plan issues, earnings capabilities, spousal and child support options, liquidity concerns, inflation rates, rates of return on investments, and other financial issues related to separation agreements. The graphic reports generated by Ms. Strachan encourage dialogue between the divorcing parties and facilitates settlement, keeping everyone out of court, which dramatically reduces the cost of divorce.
Dawn takes a life plan approach to financial planning incorporating all areas such as retirement and estate planning, risk management, college funding and long term care. This experience helps her bring a unique perspective to the divorce planning process.
Professional Activities
International Association of Collaborative Professionals ~ Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts ~ Los Angeles Family Law Association - past Board Member (2004-2016) ~ Financial Planners Association - Los Angeles Chapter ~ California Divorce Planners Network ~ CP-Cal - Board Member and Past President (2012 - current) ~ Affiliate member of the South Bay Bar Association ~ Presenter of the Divorce Options workshop ~ Member of A Better Divorce collaborative practice groupUndergraduate Education
BS in Accounting - California State University Long Beach
BS in Finance - California State University Long Beach
Professional Education
CDFA® - Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts - 2001
RICP® - American College or Financial Services - 2019
RLP® - Kinder Institute - 2021
College for Financial Planning 2004 - 2005