Bankruptcy & Breakdown of the Marriage: Recap and Q & A Session

Date and time: 
February 1, 2023 - 10:00am to 11:00am
Event type: 
Educational Opportunity


In this 1-hour presentation, Ontario family lawyer, Russell Alexander, will be joined by bankruptcy and insolvency experts who will be sharing their insights on advanced topics on bankruptcy as it applies to separation and divorce, and hosting an audience Q&A session, as an extension of Bankruptcy & Breakdown of the Marriage 101 & 201 programs.

1. Recap Bankruptcy & Breakdown of the Marriage 101
2. Recap Bankruptcy & Breakdown of the Marriage 201
3. Q & A Session

Audience members are strongly encouraged to submit their questions in advance either upon registration or by sending them to

Registration is complimentary and all are welcome. Registrants will receive an email via Zoom upon registration with their login details for the event.

To respect confidentiality, all attendees’ identities will remain anonymous to other audience members.

*Please note that all of the content provided in the presentations is intended to provide general information on separation, divorce, and family law matters, and should not be construed as legal advice.



Contact email:
Russell Alexander, Howard Manis & Barbara Visentin
Price info: 
