7 Keys to Success: What no one told you about Growing your Collaborative Practice (Webinar)

Date and time: 
May 23, 2019 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Event type: 
IACP Event

A Collaborative case starts at the very first point of contact with your office. What does your website say about your practice? How do you introduce yourself? What do you say in your initial meeting? Every touchpoint matters when it comes to building and expanding your Collaborative work. 

During our upcoming May webinar, 7 Keys to Success: What no one told you about Growing your Collaborative Practice, a panel of experienced Collaborative Professionals will share their expertise and insight to help both new and experienced practitioners market and grow their practices.

Save the date for May 23, 1pm PDT and look for more information about this event in upcoming communications! See when this event is taking place in your time zone


The webinar will be hosted online via the Zoom platform. 

Price info: 

$10 For Whole Group Members
$15 For Individual Members
$50 for non-Members

*Prices noted in USD