2022 Interdisciplinary Introduction to Collaborative Practice Training and Advanced Workshop

Date and time: 
March 23, 2022 - 9:00pm to March 25, 2022 - 8:45pm
Event type: 
Educational Opportunity

Introductory Training Program:  This two day intensive training for both novice and experienced collaborative practitioners includes a complete introduction to Collaborative Family Law theory, practice, and skills.  Practice development considerations, ethics, and an overview of a multidisciplinary collaborative practice are addressed alongside the benefits of relationship building for lawyers, mental health professionals, mediators, and financial specialists.

Advanced Workshop: Optimizing Outcomes:  Taking paradigm shifts to a whole new level, handling uncomfortable situations for clients and professionals, expanding neutral roles and accountability in high conflict cases, and maximizing satisfaction for all involved.


80 Linden Oaks, Suite 310 Rochester, NY  14625


Kevin R. Clark, Esq., MBA; Diana Deyo-Ryan, Esq.; Renee LaPoint, MS; Donna Maier, CDFA, CVA, MBA; John Sobraske, MA, LMHC, LMFT

Contact email: 
see above for trainers
Price info: 

For two day program:  By Feb 1, 2022:   $525   After Feb 1, 2022:  $575

For half day advanced workshop:  By Feb 1, 2022:  $110  After Feb 1, 2022:  $125