“Putting the Pieces Together” – An Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training and 1 Day Advanced Collaborative Training

Date and time: 
February 22, 2023 - 12:00am to February 24, 2023 - 11:45pm
Event type: 
Introductory Collaborative Practice Training

All divorces are comprised of legal, emotional, and financial issues. The Collaborative Process offers an alternative, non-litigated, non-adversarial method of handling these issues. It utilizes an interdisciplinary team made of specially trained professionals who meet in a series of “team” meetings to help the couple resolve their issues in a civil and respectful manner. The “team” is made up of two attorneys, one neutral mental health professional and one neutral financial professional who work with the parties in a series of joint meetings. The parties voluntarily agree not to litigate, obviating the need for depositions, subpoenas and opposing experts. The attorneys advocate for their clients, but they share the common goal of facilitating mutual agreement between the parties. Financial costs may be lower, and the emphasis is on cooperation and family privacy. Either party may terminate the process and pursue traditional litigation, in which case the entire team is disqualified from representing the parties in subsequent litigation. The Collaborative Process allows the professionals to guide the couple through their divorce in an environment grounded in good faith, cooperation, integrity, honesty, transparency, and professional ethics. The parties are empowered to determine their own unique resolution, collateral damage is significantly minimized, and post-divorce familial relationships are enhanced relative to the traditional divorce process. The inclusion of the mental health professional in the divorce process is often the most critical component to a successful outcome. ADVANCED TRAINING TOPICS: "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Professionals Who Haven't Quite Made the Paradigm Shift" Successful collaboration requires a significant change in how the professionals conduct themselves during the divorce process. We have all experienced the professional who has not made the "paradigm shift". This presentation describes these "paradigm slips", examines the underlying reasons why these "slips" occur and offers solutions and resources. A fun, experiential role play with debrief follows the presentation. “The Training Is Over – Now What?? “ Introductory trainings are structured to teach the basic skills of collaborative practice, but they should also help motivate new trainees to form the bridge between this new paradigm and the practical aspects of changing their practices. The enthusiasm is palpable, and everyone goes home to their respective offices. How do we keep the excitement going? What needs to happen next to continue the interest by the new trainees and the local practice group? This presentation will address those questions and offer suggestions about how to keep the newly trained practitioners interested and passionate about the Collaborative Process. “War of the Roses” – What if it went Collaborative – the Power of Teamwork! Using the backdrop of the noir film “War of the Roses”, this presentation will explore interventions that may have changed the final outcome of the Rose’s highly litigated divorce. “What if” it were possible to convert this divorce to the Collaborative Process? Exploring the use of an interdisciplinary team during some of the most emotionally difficult times, attendees will have the opportunity to design alternative interventions for the Rose family.


Centre Club, Tampa Florida


FLORIDA COLLABORATIVE TRAINERS Marta Alfonso, CPA,ABV,CFF, CGMA, JD Robert J. Merlin, Esq. Lana M. Stern, Ph.D. Jeffrey P. Wasserman, Esq.

Contact email: 
Florida Collaborative Trainers
Next Generation Divorce
Price info: 

Register for Intro/Refresher OR Advanced Early Bird - Costs include breakfast and lunch each day. Scheduled to be held in-person at the Centre Club in Tampa, Florida. Non Members registering for the Introductory Training will receive a complimentary NGD Membership for the remainder of 2022. Introductory Training $495.00 Early Bird - Deadline 8/5/2022 $550.00 Registration Advanced Training $247.00 Early Bird - Deadline 8/5/2022 $275.00 Registration Intro & Advanced Training $742.00 Early Bird - Deadline 8/5/2022 $825.00 Registration