Anna-Maria Pittella

Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
United States
Lawyer, MediatorI focus on a child's need to have both parents in their lives, to be protected from the hostility of litigated divorces and a party's need to preserve assets for their future. I help parents create a plan for the future that addresses their needs and their concerns recognizing the emotional turmoil they experience. With or without children, the parties can maintain their dignity and transition to a new life without the battle and the costs of warring.
Professional Activities
Past President of the NJ Council of Collaborative Practice Groups, Former President-Jersey Shore Collaborative Law Group, member, International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, Member of Collaborative Divorce Professionals, Ocean County Bar Association- past president 1992-93, Chair Alternate Dispute Resolution, past Chair Family Law, New Jersey State Bar Association- member of Family Law and of Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee, VP of DRS, Chair-Collaborative Law Committee, Monmouth County Bar Association, New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators, Accredited Practitioner Member, Past VP and Secretary to the Board, Court Approved Economic Mediator, New Jersey Women Business Owners Assoc.-former Board member, Rumson County Day School-former Trustee, Member of IACP and member of Standards Committee, Red Bank Charter School-Trustee ~Undergraduate Education
Marymount College now part of Fordham University), 1970 Tarrytown, New York B.A.
Postgraduate Education
Seton Hall University School of Law, 1973 JD Newark, NJ
Professional Education
Institute for Dispute Resolution, Montclair, NJ-40 hours mediation training 1997
Institute for Dispute Resolution, Montclair, NJ-40 hours mediation internship1997
Annual training and continuing education in the field of family law, meditation and collaborative practice as well as a speaker at various events
I have been a family law practitioner since 1973. I embraced mediation in 1997 since it offered couples an opportunity to save themselves and their children from living a war as they separated or divorced. When I learned of collaboration, I knew that it was the process that would provide a family with all of the resources for a successful transition from a difficult time to new lives. I can provide the benefit and wisdom of my legal counsel and advocate for my client and yet know that counsel for the other spouse will support a commitment to this process away from the courthouse. I can offer other help when needed from the other professional members of the team. Directed, structured and cost effective-all essential and now available through this novel approach. I have proudly served as President of the Jersey Shore Collaborative Law Group encouraging not only clients but also other professionals to become involved in the practice of collaboration in family issues. I am also a trainer in interdisciplinary collaborative process to assist other professionals in their pursuit of a collaborative practice.