Daniela Stalla

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 68
Torino, Torino 10121
Torino, Torino 10121
Office Phone: +393473225769
Member since 2011
Membership Type: IACP
Lawyer Area(s) of Practice: Civil Law, Collaborative Law, Family Law, Real Estate Law
License(s): Admitted to the Turin Bar in 1985
~Supreme Court Lawyer since 1998
Professional Activities
Franco Baudino e Associati - Senior Partner ~AIAF (Associazione Italiana degli Avvocati per la Famiglia e per i Minori) - Regional Board Member ~AIADC (Associazione Italiana degli Avvocati di Diritto Collaborativo) - National Board Member ~Undergraduate Education
Classical Lyceum Vittorio Alfieri, Torino, Italy
Postgraduate Education
University of Turin (Law degree magna cum laude 1982)
I am deeply involved in spreading the culture of Collaborative Practice in Italy and, specifically, in my geographic area. Having practiced traditional family law for many years, I have learnt that conflict creates enormous damages to the couples and to their children and that, because of unresolved family conflicts, children often grow up with psychological and behavior problems. Trough Collaborative Practice it is possible to help couples to resolve their conflicts and put parenting into the center. This can help children to grow happier and parents to look with confidence into the future.