Forum PFI and Workshop Descriptions

2021 IACP Forum

Thu - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
**Cancelled** PFI #04: Hitting Bias Head On: Addressing race, gender, & other Biases in CP

Biases around race, gender identity, culture, ageism, sexual identity, and status impact Collaborative process in many ways. We’ll explore through demos, role plays, group activities, and large and small group discussions how a variety of biases can impact the team, and the challenges of identifying and curbing them in the process.

Beth Aarons
Justin Kelsey
Karen Van Kooy
*Cancelled* PFI #03: Time, Trauma and Grief: The Invisible Team Members on Every Collaborative Case

The Pandemic has showed that Time can be experienced subjectively: Time both crawls and races by. Events seem to have occurred both yesterday and months ago. For divorcing couples, this dialectic is also true, making Time both friend and adversary to professionals navigating any couple's divorce, as well as an essential player in every Collaborative case. Like Grief and healing after Trauma, Time has its own pace - we can’t control it, but we can recognize its currents and plan a way to stay afloat and move efficiently on its path. This program reveals the concrete and abstract ways in which Time influences our clients (and us) and shapes our emotional capacities, reactions, even perceptions of reality. We will draw upon lessons from Grief and Trauma work to explore techniques that address the convoluted nature of Time and better help clients move toward successful resolutions with the least possible pain.

Lisa Herrick
Barbara Burr
PFI #01: The Curious Things That Happen on the Road to Resolution

What happens on the road to resolution? We usually hit a few bumps and sometimes fall into gaping potholes. Then we shift into repair mode - because we are great problem-solvers. Sometime this works and sometimes it leads to more resistance, even though we are just trying to help!! Can curiosity lead us to the Superpower Repair Shop that will get us back on the Road to Resolution? In this workshop we will learn to notice and respond to conflict behaviours (in ourselves and others). Being curious isn’t just about sitting in “wonder,” so we will learn how curiosity enhances our capacity for learning (about ourselves and others), how learning changes everything, and how to work with what we learn. The goal is to help us all be more productive and natural in conflict. Give your "fix it" orientation a break and become a Curious Collaborator!

Jacinta Gallant
PFI #02: You Can't Make Me!’ - Recognizing, Understanding, and Responding to Resistance

Resistance to change comes up in our work often. Resistance makes us feel anxious, or maybe even incompetent, as professionals, impacts client participation, and is predictive of poor outcomes in the collaborative process. Often, resistance is viewed as a client behaving defiantly. A more constructive viewpoint is that resistance is an indication that the client may not be ready to change. Resistance is a signal to the professional team that you may need to change direction or listen more carefully. This requires you to understand your client's perspective and proceed from there. Recognizing resistant behavior and underlying motivations helps to identify best approaches to responding to unwilling clients. Resistance actually offers an opportunity to respond in a new, perhaps surprising, way and to take advantage of the situation without being confrontational. Thus, effectively creating cooperation between professionals and clients and eliciting change by strengthening desires, abilities, and reasons for change.

Deborah Gilman
Fri - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
*Cancelled* PFI #07: Beyond the Paradigm Shift: Ethical AND Effective Collaborative Advocacy

How can we be effective advocates while remaining true to the goals and values of the Collaborative Process? The IACP Ethical Standards address advocacy including: our obligation to support client self-determination, set reasonable expectations, be mindful of the impact of our personal values and beliefs and avoid contributing to interpersonal conflict. This course will explore Collaborative Advocacy in light of s. 3.2 of the Standards. How do we use an interest-based model where there is little trust or goodwill and what is the role of the law? What does it really mean to set realistic expectations? How do we support client self-determination when clients are bullied, can’t decide or we don’t agree with the outcome? How do we avoid working from our own personal values and experience? How do we avoid contributing to interpersonal conflict without sacrificing outcome? This PFI will deepen participants’ capacity to be more effective non-adversarial advocates.

Nancy Cameron
Victoria Smith
PFI #05: Creating and Maintaining a Successful Practice Group: Leadership Skills for Practice Group Leaders

We are excited to bring Practice Group Leaders together to share critical knowledge, skills and resources, to promote successful leadership and to facilitate the growth of strong Practice Groups around the world. This workshop will help Practice Group Leaders to share in the collective experience and wisdom of Practice Group Leaders who have experienced the same challenges, successes and failures. We will focus on organizational issues, membership issues, leadership issues and the dynamics of providing a service to membership while at the same time offering the public a resource for Collaborative Practice.

Lori Gephart
ross evans
PFI #06: No Justice, No Peace: Walking the Talk in Collaborative Cases

The purpose of this interactve program is two-fold: (a) to identify the ways in which diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice issues show up in our Collaborative cases, and (b) to explore how Collaborative practitioners can address those issues when they arise. We will do this work in both small discussion groups and plenary sessions. Our premise is that, even when social justice issues (such as sexism, homophobia, classism, racism, etc.) are not presented directly in our cases, there are diversity issues in every case because of differing identities and the power differentials associated with those identities. Accordingly, CP professionals should consider how to strike the balance between, on the one hand, making our cases safe and supportive arenas for peacemaking, while on the other hand addressing and confronting injustice and inequality.

David Hoffman
PFI #08: Train the Trainers

The need continues for thoughtful, well equipped trainers to teach and engage collaborative practitioners around the world. As collaborative practice trainings expand to all areas of the globe, the training community needs to think carefully about creating and delivering trainings that culturally relevant, inclusive, and practical. Using a variety of different topics and formats, we will learn about building a training team and organizing trainings to meet the needs of the community receiving the training, consider issues of representation and diversity, remind ourselves about the needs of adult learnings, and start learning facilitation skills that will assist learners in making the collaborative paradigm shift.

Lisa Alexander
Sat - 9:00am to 10:30am
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
*Cancelled* WS #07: To Tell or Not to tell: Who needs to know?

What do you need to share about yourself with other team members to ensure a productive Collaborative process? Explore the impact of “to tell or not to tell” on settlement negotiations and the functioning of the professional team. Discover the importance of finding an optimal balance between privacy and open communication.

Karen Levitt
Gina Arons
*Cancelled* WS #10: Don’t be afraid of “Matrix”! Let’s turn the light on Virtual Negotiations and master them.

Don’t be afraid of “Matrix”! 
Come and learn how to help our brain and emotions in virtual negotiations, master the strategies and skills necessary to blend the “virtual” in our everyday job to enhance the success of our consensual dispute resolution means, lower costs and broaden access to collaboration.

Elisabetta (Lisa) Valentini
WS #01: Nesting: A Child-Centered Solution to Co-Parenting During Separation and Divorce

Nesting is an ideal interim custody solution as the parents consider next steps. Instead of the children living in two homes, children stay in the home. The parents alternate being on- and off-duty with a structured, written agreement. Nesting takes work and commitment and in this presentation, I'll discuss the pros and cons, the financial and interpersonal considerations, and the types of agreements required to maximize its success.

Ann Buscho
WS #02: Integrating Goals and Interests From Consultation to Case Debrief

How do you, your Collaborative Team, and your Collaborative Community integrate the goals and interests of each client throughout the Collaborative Process? This workshop explores how to keep our clients' goals and interests at the forefront of the process from the initial client consultation through the case debrief.

Kevin Scudder
WS #03: Compromising Solutions – A Goodwill Story!

“Goodwill” in business valuations is a multifaceted minefield which can create disruption and distrust in the Collaborative Process. Using the backdrop of real cases, this presentation will discuss, from the perspective of the financial, legal, and mental health disciplines, the management of the complexities in resolving these issues.

Lana Stern
Paul Garcia
Allison Hockman
WS #04: The UCLA: Where are we and where are we going?

Adopting Collaborative statutes and/or rules is a great way to expand Collaborative Practice globally. During this workshop we will discuss the current status and expansion of the UCLA in the United States and the adoption of Collaborative statutes and rules in Canada and in other countries.

Robert Merlin
WS #05: Finding Equilibrium on an Interdisciplinary Team

Interdisciplinary teams face a unique challenge as they find the balance between the ethics of their profession of origin and our ethical standards as collaborative professionals. IACP ethics and standards light the path for teams to find that creative space in their work with families.

Kristen Boldt
Edward Sachs
Melissa Sulkowski
Pamela Presler
WS #06: Therapeutic Separations: When Parties Aren't Certain About Separation

Sometimes our clients are uncertain whether separation or continuing to work on the relationship is the right thing to do. A therapeutic separation—structured time and space apart—can help the parties achieve the clarity they need. This workshop will explore the nature and purposes of therapeutic separations, and the drafting of Therapeutic Separation Agreements that address the parties’ legal, emotional and financial issues so they can focus on their relationship.

Stephen Sulmeyer
WS #08: 14 Habits of Highly Effective Collaborative Professionals (with apologies to Mr. Covey).

This workshop will involve an interactive discussion about 14 habits of Highly Effective Professionals. The concept, (with apologies to Mr. Covey) is based on the classic 7 habits (doubled to accommodate the two practitioners) but builds on specific things that two experienced practitioners believe are essential for Collaborative Practice.

Ron Ousky
Forrest "Woody" Mosten
WS #09: Unbundling Legal Services: For Your Clients, Your Firm and Yourself

The Law Shop by Skogerson McGinn LLC explores the many benefits of utilizing unbundled legal services as a means for adapting to a vastly changing client market. Learn how limited scope representation benefits clients across the socioeconomic spectrum plus decreases your own stress and increases your firm's bottom line.

AJ Skogerson
Amy Skogerson
Sat - 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
*Cancelled* WS 12: Transformational interventions- learning by doing.

Transformation from partners to ex-partners into collaborating parents requires shifts in conflict behaviour and communication patterns. Feedback resulting from earlier workshops shows that practicing effective interventions is required. In this workshop we will demonstrate the participants learning by doing in roleplays to get familiar with these interventions and experience the effects on themselves and their clients.

rené de haas
Annelies Verhoeff
*Cancelled* WS 15: Let's Open Your Suitcase: Unpacking Family Trauma in Collaborative Divorce

Clients with cultural, religious, sexual orientation, and economic diversity arrive at our offices with suitcases of "baggage" requiring unpacking. Our team will provide a roadmap to compassionate listening, surviving the emotional, physical, and financial trauma of divorce, building trust, compassion, hope, and security for children, in the Collaborative Proc

Rebecca Fischer
Ed Sachs
Ronda Fuchs
Thabatta Mizrahi
Steve Turner
WS 11: Fragile! Handle With Care: Transforming Difficult Cases

You’ve met them: difficult clients. When managed with C.A.R.E, difficult cases result in stronger relationships with the team and clients. We present views of the “difficulty” we may encounter and teach skills to manage “difficult” situations, re-frame resistance, and to go deeper with C.A.R.E: Curiosity, Acceptance, Rolling with Resistance, Equanimity.

Deborah Gilman
Lisa Standish
WS 13: Child Specialist’s Overlooked Value as Family-focused Facilitator in Collaborative Divorce & Mediation

Child Specialists (CSs), usually the most underutilized team professionals, glean essential information: family dynamics, triggers and hidden agendas. Many under-appreciate how CSs are often the best positioned to bring contentious couples to agreement. A pioneering, interdisciplinary team teaches how they employ CSs to shift clients toward agreement, simultaneously improving cost efficiency.

Carol Hughes
Cathleen Collinsworth
Bruce Fredenburg
Diana L. Martinez
WS 14: Domestic Violence (DV) Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Collaborative Process: Applying Theory to Practice

In a role-play format, utilizing a case- scenario as its basis, this workshop will provide extensive information for the application of the various possibilities, as well as cautionary procedures, when Teams are considering engaging in Collaborative practice with a family where Domestic Violence has been present.

Randy Heller
Robert Merlin
Craig Fabrikant
Christen Ritchey
Matthew Thatcher
WS 16: The Talk of the Town: Creative Strategies for Cultivating Collaborative Practice in Small Communities

Launching a collaborative community is challenging, especially in communities where collaborative practice is unfamiliar to virtually all professionals working in the local area. This program will provide a detailed road map for introducing and cultivating a collaborative community from the ground up through urban partnerships, professional education, and marketing.

Rebecca Simpson
Missy DeArk
Kim Wilson
WS 17: Cases on a Cliff’s Edge: Hold on or Let Go?

Some successful cases demand tenacity and endurance from professionals to reach the finish line. However, becoming too invested can be wearing and may create problems for the process. Too little persistence can lead to easy collapse. This workshop explores these issues, including when professionals vary in their commitment to persevere.

John Sobraske
Donna Maier
Diana Ryan
WS 18: The Road to Compassion in Collaborative Cases...and Beyond

This program will explore some of the core difficulties for collaborative professionals working with couples in conflict. A discussion related to empirical findings related to team burnout, recognition of individual perspectives in relation to conflict and what it means to shift from a sympathetic/empathetic mindset to one of compassion. This will be an interactive workshop, with discussions delving into diverse case situations requiring the need to explore self-awareness as a professional, helping each other to find ways out of blindspots and landmines and learning how to rebalance our mindset with compassion in order to re-energize and take problem solving to resolution. We will also discuss the connection of our compassionate mindset to our professional and non-professional lives.

Armando Cecatiello
Gregory Hildebrand
Gaylene Stingl
Barbara Hummel
WS 19: Courageous Creativity-Light Up Your Ideal Collaborative Practice

Do you maximize the creative options and future focused approach that Collaborative Practice offers? Drawing on ideas and experiences from both ends of the world, explore how you can use creativity to design optimal, future oriented solutions for your clients and your ideal consumer oriented practice.

Sandra Bruckner
Rachel Hernandez
Selina Trigg
WS 20: How To Create An Access Program from the Ground Up

This workshop will give you the tools you need to create an access program tailored to your community, from scratch if you'd like, or using tried and true models from around the globe . We will explore, how to identify and qualify clients, what are common pitfalls and barriers to access programs, whether and how to modify the collaborative process, how to think creatively about fees, how to find your personal comfort zone with creative fee structues, how to find other professionals willing to be creative with you and so much more. A very practical primer on how to get started in your community.

Pamela Masters
Sun - 9:00am to 10:30am
Description Forum Session CEUs Presenters
*Cancelled* WS 26: Collaborative Divorce for Parents of Children and Adults with Special Needs

Participants will learn about the complex issues confronting divorcing parents of children and adults with special needs and how to help these families navigate them using the Collaborative process.

Josh Kershenbaum
Rebecca Fischer
Zanita A Zacks-Gabriel
*Cancelled* WS 28: Conquering the Difficult Cases: Hidden or Silent Interests and how to Root them Out and Deal With Them

This interactive workshop will focus on identifying hidden and negative interests and what to do as a Team when they are identified. We will discuss how to best address this with the parties and develop effective plans for constructively dealing with them.

Cristi Trusler
Jennifer Failla
Honey Sheff
WS 21: Dolphin Advocacy: Finally Transitioning from Litigation to an All ADR Practice

People - including lawyers - are good and wish to do good in the world. So many of us along the way, however, lose connection with our better natures. We are trained to operate in an adversarial model as "sharks". Learn how to operate from a totally different paradigm as a "dolphin" and finally transition from conflict to a peacemaking practice. Learn how to realign with your better nature, do less harm in your practice, and transition to an all ADR practice.

Shawn Weber
WS 22: Home Will Never Be the Same Again: How Gray Divorce Affects Adult Children

As the divorce rate for adults 50 and older soars, so too does the number of adult children experiencing parental divorce. Although adult children are major stakeholders in their parents’ divorce, they are often forgotten. Learn how to help your clients and their adult children protect their post-divorce family into the future.

Carol Hughes
Bruce Fredenburg
WS 23: Spreading the Word About Collaborative Practice: Developing University Programming and Bringing in the Next Generation

The IACP Collaborative Higher Education Task Force is committed to gathering information about where and how Collaborative Practice is being taught in interdisciplinary graduate level programs, and to create course material to be used by instructors. Come learn who we are, what we do, and the “why” of our commitment.

Randy Heller
Kevin Scudder
WS 24: Innovative Collaborative Participation Agreements

Using a cutting edge Collaborative Participation Agreement, the presenters will guide the Workshop Participants through possible provisions to modify existing Participation Agreements in the field concentrating on confidentiality, transparency/disclosure, informed consent, involvement of litigators and evaluators and a continuum of conduct by team members after a Notice of Termination of the Collaborative Process has been served by one of the parties.

David Hoffman
Forrest "Woody" Mosten
WS 25: Collaborative Life Planning (CLP)

Expand your collaborative services and potential client base. Serve all types of families before financial and other stressful events shatter their relationships. Teams facilitate clients’ collaborative, constructive creation of written agreements designed to anticipate, manage, and thereby avoid traumas life may toss at them. Add CLP to your marketing toolbox.

Adam Cordover
Ed Sachs
WS 27: Deepening Emotional Engagement and Finding Fresh Perspectives in Balint Groups

This workshop will introduce attendees to Balint groups: facilitated case consultation groups that invite imaginative exploration of emotions and family dynamics at work in our cases. We will introduce the method, share the experiences of our Seattle group, and give participants the opportunity to experience the method themselves.

Joanna Roth
Gwen Mathewson
WS 29: Critical communication mistakes you are making with your divorcing clients, and how to correct them.

So, you think your expertise is what matters most when communicating with your divorcing clients? Think again! One of the biggest challenges for professionals providing a service to divorcing clients is having to assist an individual who is in a very vulnerable and unstable position, both mentally and logistically. Now, more than ever, your ability to connect and communicate with your clients is tremendously impaired by social distancing regulations and the added emotional and/or financial stress your client may be experiencing. Join Liz Becker, Communication Skills Coach & Trainer and President and Co-founder of the National Association of Divorce Professionals, as she uncovers the critical communication mistakes professionals make that often leads to impasse and resistance. During this session Liz shares valuable insight to help you ensure productive conversations and ultimately better outcomes for you and your clients.

Liz Becker