Hello , IACP has such a strong and diverse membership, which is essential to our success as an organization and movement as we continue to grow the reach of Collaborative Practice and seek those around your world to become members. Our newest Whole Group came in just a few days ago! We are so proud of Collaborative Divorce Nashville for become our newest Whole Group and thank you for your support in our community. If your Practice Group would like information on becoming a whole Group, contact our Membership Coordinator Dolores Puppione! Are you ready for the largest gathering of Collaborative Professionals in the world? The 23rd Annual Networking and Educational Forum held October 27-30 in Orlando, Florida, USA, is going to be an event you will never forget! There are so many incredible presentations, including our headline speaker on Saturday, Nadine Smith Founder and CEO of Equality Florida. There are also many sessions to learn and network from as well as a party that is sure to get your feet moving. As an active member of IACP you get an exclusive discount of US $195.00 off your registration. So, if you're planning to attend, but aren't a member yet, click here to join IACP today and save at least the full cost of a year’s IACP membership! We also highly encourage Practice Groups, firms, and all to be a Forum Sponsor for $1500.00 and be listed as a Practice Group Sponsor in the Forum notebook, be recognized on the Forum webpage, listed on Forum signage, and provided sponsor badge ribbons for your representatives attending IACP's Forum! Click here to become a Forum Sponsor. There are so many exciting and engaging opportunities to help grow Collaborative Practice worldwide. President Lori Gephart and I met with the IACP Global Partners this month to discuss engaging young professionals in the Collaborative global movement. Ideas and thoughts were shared, especially from Brenda London, a Collaborative Lawyer and mentor to many young practitioners in Orlando. A special thank you to Past President Francesca King for helping facilitate the discussion. Click here to learn more about our Global Partners program! Lastly, I’d like to congratulate Arianna Diaz on our IACP Professional Staff on her promotion to Marketing & Communications Manager. Many of you have had great interactions with her work as she continues to be a vital member of our professional team. Our entire staff are so amazing, and we couldn’t accomplish the many feats and grow Collaborative without them! I hope to see you in Orlando or around the world, wherever our travels may take us! Respectfully, Michael C. Russell IACP Executive Director |