Collaborative Professional Honor Roll

On this page we recognize the individuals whose work in collaborative practice inspires us to do better, to resolve conflicts more peacefully, and to build stronger, more compassionate communities.


Brigitte Schmidt Bell: Sandra Crawford donated in her honor. Sandra commented "Brigitte has been a mentor and role model for peacemaking, mediation and Collaborative Law in the greater Chicago area for several decades. She is an inspiration and leader to many generations of professionals and a founding member of the Collaborative Law Institute of Illinois (now Collaborative Divorce Illinois)."

Max Emmer: Jacqueline Roessler, a member of the IACP Fundraising Committee, donated in his honor. Jacki commented: "I love working on Collaborative cases with Max! He’s a great advocate for families!"

Brian Galbraith: IACP Secretary AJ Skogerson donated in his honor. AJ commented: "I am making a donation to support Collaborative Professionals, recognizing his enduring impact on the Collaborative Practice community. Brian's mentorship years ago helped my firm embrace a better way to practice law, and his leadership as IACP President during challenging times exemplified his dedication and resilience. His innovation, tireless global engagement, and personal connection to Collaborative practitioners continue to inspire me and countless others in this meaningful work."

Julia McAninch: Alisa Peskin-Shepherd, a member of the IACP Fundraising Committee, donated in her honor. Alisa commented "I am honoring Julia for her kindness as a friend; and to honor her for her dedication, motivation and inspiration during her IACP presidency."

Robert J. Merlin:  IACP Board Director Randy Heller donated in honor of his 70th birthday. Randy commented "Bob, you have been an inspiration to me and so many. You have embodied the spirit of peacemaking! Cheers to you for a lifetime of celebrations." Jeff Wasserman also donated in his honor. Jeff commented, "Bob Merlin has been the single most driving force in establishing collaborative law in the State of Florida. It was through his efforts that we have a Statute and Rule on the Collaborative Law Process in Florida. His name is synonymous with collaborative law and he deserves to be honored for all of his continuing efforts on behalf of collaborative law."

Nancy Ross:  Susan Hansen donated in her honor. Susan commented "Nancy introduced me to the extraordinary value of interdisciplinary practice. Learning from and teamwork with mental health professionals transformed my practice. I am forever grateful."

Jeffrey Wasserman: IACP Board Director Elaine Silver donated in his honor. Elaine commented "Jeff is a kind and generous human who made the transition from "fierce litigator" to Collaborative attorney wholeheartedly. He is now one of the fierce advocates for Collaborative Practice. I am honored to call him a friend."

Susan Hansen: Barbara Bassino donated in her honor. Barbara commented, "For everything she taught me with her thoughtfully kindness and her example in years so crucial for my professional growth as a Collaborative MHP and as a person."

Joe Shaub: IACP Board Director Leslie Garrison donated in his honor. Leslie commented, "Joe is a pioneer in our Collaborative community! He was active in training new professionals and also mentoring new attorneys. My first case was with Joe and his attitude and enthusiasm for our work is contagious."

Elaine Silver: Jeff Wasserman donated in her honor. Jeff commented, " Elaine has been a leader in the collaborative movement for many years. She has served as the President of FACP; continues to work on several committees for FACP; is on the Board of IACP; and is recognized for her efforts locally in the Orlando area. Elaine optimizes what a leader is."

Cheryl Panther: IACP President Selina Trigg donated in her honor. Selina commented, "Cheryl has been a tireless, committed and deep-thinking champion of IACP during her term on the Board of Directors and as our Treasurer. She has had to propose hard yet necessary decisions, always with her eye on the future wellbeing of IACP. I have been blessed to have entered the Board alongside her, to have witnessed her sharp mind in action, to have learned from her and to have enjoyed her friendship."